Here in this trusted space you can expect to find tips and tricks for personal beauty, inspiration for planning a stunning bridal look, tried and true resources for spurring your entrepreneurial spirit, or a simple story from the heart. If there is anything you would like to see here in the future, I would love to hear from you. Cheers!
In this wedding, I did not have the privilege of doing the Bride’s hair, but these bridesmaids were a blast! Each of them a real breath of fresh air.
All photos in this post credited to Jensen Photography, with the exception of the hair headshots.
Even though I didn’t service the bride, it was exciting to see her beaming with joy as her day slowly started coming together! I loved witnessing the personable details that she and her groom put into their special day together. Not many brides would be bold enough to choose bright green dresses, but this color was perfectly fitting for their day, as this is the bride’s favorite color. I know that Sarah and her husband will have such a special marriage relationship because their sentimental choices were evident everywhere from the dresses to the decor! Intimacy is deeper when couples know and appreciate these details in each other, which I have no doubt Sarah and Daniel will continue to do for each other.
Anyways, back to the bridesmaids: these ladies are true gold!
It is such a blessing for me to meet so many beautiful people in my work! These women were incredibly encouraging to work with, giving me far too many compliments as I curled, braided, or pinned their hair. My job is made easy when clients are as joyfully content as these ladies were!
Not only was their joy contagious, but as a freelancer, I have no co-workers to build relationships with; thus, friendly and personable clients are such a blessing! I loved learning about these ladies lives and seeing their unique personalities play out in the wedding party morning-of.
Congratulations Sarah!! I wish you all the best as you and your new husband continue to seek the Lord in loving one another and others well!
Fearfully & Wonderfully,